Aug 27, 20213 min

Self-Care Lessons Your Children Can Teach You

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

If you're having difficulty with self-care, you might learn something from what your children do. Even if they refuse to eat Brussel sprouts, they are aware of critical information regarding how to keep our bodies and minds in peak condition.

As adults, we occasionally neglect ourselves because we are overburdened with responsibilities or feel unworthy of kindness. Consider how children can serve as a reminder to prioritize yourself.

Having A Good Time:

1. Participate in games.

While self-care has numerous benefits, the process can be enjoyable. Convert your work into a game and schedule enjoyable activities for your free time.

2. Take pleasure in food.

If you enjoy your food, you are more likely to stick to a healthy diet. Consider food as a friend rather than something that adheres to your hips.

3. Perform songs and dances.

Music alleviates stress and makes mundane tasks more enjoyable. Create a playlist for mundane tasks such as paperwork and housework. Sing in the shower to boost your energy levels for the day.

4. Make a joke.

Provide yourself with an opportunity to laugh. Inform your family or friends of a humorous story. Take a look at cartoons and cat videos. Look for humour in difficult situations.

5. Consider going barefoot.

By the end of the day, do your feet ache? Going barefoot is a liberating experience that also strengthens your muscles. Take off your shoes as frequently as possible. This will connect you to the Earth's surface electrons, otherwise known as 'grounding'. Allow yourself to be pampered with a pedicure and foot massage.

Taking Chances:

1. Experiment with new things.

What if we gave up after falling down the first few times we attempted to walk? Give yourself credit for attempting and place a premium on experience-based learning.

2. Make new acquaintances.

You are responsible for scheduling your own playdates. Invite a newly hired coworker to lunch. Introduce yourself to another barre student.

3. Speak your mind.

Allow others to know what you truly believe. Engage in meaningful conversations with family and friends and contribute to business meetings.

4. Be inventive.

Experiment with various forms of art. You may rediscover your passion for finger painting or expand your horizons with metal crafting. Perhaps you'd rather write a novel or perform a stand-up comedy.

5. Show enthusiasm.

Are you self-conscious about expressing your gratitude? Make someone's day better by paying them a genuine compliment. Give yourself a pat on the back for organizing the garage or hosting a dinner party.

Additional Self-Care Lessons Your Children Can Teach You:

1. Maintain an active lifestyle.

If you're struggling to motivate yourself to exercise, consider how children remain active throughout the day. Exercise will become easier if you make it a habit.

2. Refuse.

A toddler's favourite word can assist you in respecting your boundaries. Establish and enforce boundaries. Make it clear to others how you expect to be treated. Reject projects that would obstruct the pursuit of your primary objectives.

3. Seek assistance.

When you are willing to accept assistance from others, you can accomplish more. Encourage collaboration in the workplace. Inform your family and friends about the type of assistance you require to manage medical conditions or recover from a breakup.

4. Take frequent breaks.

Adults, too, require recess. Utilize vacation days and take breaks between tasks. Allowing for adequate downtime alleviates stress and boosts productivity.

5. Distribute your toys.

Serving others is a highly effective way to increase one's happiness and well-being. Make liberal use of your strengths and resources. Volunteer in your community and make charitable contributions. Feed the birds, pick up litter, and lend a hand with yard work to your neighbours.

Children may misplace their socks, but they are generally aware of their own needs. Making regular me-time a priority in your hectic schedule will help you feel more connected to yourself and others.
